MAME Cabinet #18

I’m in a bit of a dilemma at the moment. I can’t really move on until I decide on a display for my cabinet. Ideally, I would probably like to have a large arcade monitor as it could be rotated for vertical or horizontal games. However, they are quite expensive compared to a TV and not easy to connect to a graphics card. Even the new Arcade Monitor graphics card from Ultimarc requires some wiring up yourself. So, it looks like a TV (a computer monitor simply wouldn’t do it for me – also expensive).

Now, my cabinet is 26″ wide and looking at the size specifications for TV’s it looks like it’ll be a 25″ TV which are usually between 23″ and 25″ wide including the case. I need to put up the monitor shelf in the cabinet before I can paint it as I’ll need to drill some holes. However, I can’t put the monitor shelf up until I know what the TV is like. So, until I decide on which TV I can’t move on. And, I’m going on holiday for 3 weeks – so not much progress going to be made for the next month!