Pac-Man Diary #15

Found the edible ghost sound! Checked everything was running smoothly and provided a download. 18 months in the making and Wobman is finally complete! Go play!

Pac-Man Diary #13

I did some more work on Wobman last night. Odd things still seem to occur with the sound even with the latest version of Blitz (v1.35). However, I’ve managed to overcome what I think is a bug in Blitz and got the sound working. Compiled the exe and everything still runs okay! I’ve got a …

Pac-Man Diary #12

Errr…this diary is waaaayyyy behind. A year and half since I last posted here? Where does time go? Anyway, since my last post I’ve rewritten the whole shebang in Blitz3D, and most recently I’ve tried it with the new BlitzPlus which is designed specifically for 2D games. The game has been revamped a lot and …

Pac-Man Diary #10

Well, tomorrow is here. Changed quite a few things cosmetically! There’s now a picture surrounding the maze on a dark blue background. The only black area now is in the game area itself. There was a reason for this. The only way I could think of implementing the passageway was to place a couple of …

Pac-Man Diary #08

Oh my, and I thought last night was bad. Things start off okay, I manage to implement the ghosts changing into just eyes when you eat them. Simple enough, just hide the appropriate sprite leaving just the eyes. The problem started when I began programming them to go back to the hut when eaten and …