MAME Cabinet #21

I’ve finished painting my cabinet! It takes great patience waiting for each coat of the primer to dry and then for each coat of the paint. However, it’s worth it in the end and I’m pleased with the result.

I have also attached the front door using the hinge I bought. I had to get the sander out to fine tune the size of the door so that it would swing open and closed okay. I then attached the coin door – a fairly easy task. I had an amusing few moments putting quaters into the slots and hearing the coins fall inside. Okay, so I’m easily pleased!

The next step involved cutting the T-Molding to fit. This was much simpler than I anticipated; just place it on and mark where you need to cut. It cuts easily enough with a Stanley knife. I’m going to need some glue to keep it securely in place – though I think this is fairly normal. From what I’ve read, hot-glue works the best so I’ll probably use that.

Anyway, here’s the latest pictures – I can’t believe how near to completion it is!

(Edit: Pictures no longer available)